01724 721821
Dear Customers
Please can you support our efforts to continue safeguarding people by remembering to adhere to all COVID-19 protocols when travelling in our vehicles.
While lockdown measures are being eased nationally, we are maintaining all safeguards for our customers.
It’s vital that we keep doing everything in our powers to protect each other and adhere to the basics. This will help minimise the threat the virus poses, further protect our families and customers and enable us to maintain safe operations.
When you are in our vehicles, please can you remember:
Hands – keep washing your hands regularly and keep using hand sanitiser
Face – wear your mask at all times, except when eating and drinking
If people fail to follow our COVID-19 protocols, they may be refused transport. We sincerely hope this is not necessary and that we can keep working together to protect all of our staff.
If you have any questions, please speak to CR Travel.
Thank you for your support and please stay safe.